
Mercedes Benz Importer Relates Experience With Modifications

Frustrated Importer Joins Class-Action Lawsuit Against
, Complains To Minister of Transport

I am currently caught in the MB modification process for my 1998 SLK 230 and have been quoted $2582 for the modifications, $500 of which is applied to the roving MB Inspector who arrives once a month in Kelowna. They have also indicated that a further $1500 charge can be expected in the event my airbags are faulty. Since I am stuck with these directives, I have given the local MB dealer the authority to proceed, adding that I will be joining the class action lawsuit thereafter.

When I had mentioned that the running lights had been addressed through my provincial inspection, they responded that CT’s system is “rinky-dink” and would need to be taken out for MB’s system.

This unexpected journey has been documented and sent to my local MP – Ron Cannan, who has forwarded the concerns to the Minister of Transport’s office.

I have also indicated to my MP and Transport Canada that I will be pursing this issue through the Fair Trade route as well as any groups dealing with anti-competition as well as letters to daily newspapers across Canada, to “assist the government” in moving the issue forward.

I’m not sure if this will result in any movement but an effort must be made!

Submitted to UCanImport.

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